I love signs like this because they silently challenge me to tiptoe off the beaten trail and find my own way. On our trip to the garden yesterday, I came across this sign and it got me thinking about my life. Even though I'm a "good girl", I have never lived my life in a way that others prescribe, especially when I was in my twenties. Now that I'm older, I ask people's input when I am facing important decisions, but ultimately I will still do what "feels" right to me. I am coming to some realizations about the path I've chosen for myself professionally - it's going to eat me alive unless I find another trail. I'm not sure where that will lead me yet, but I'm looking forward to finding out.
That sign is awesome. Where did you find it?
It was at Hakone Gardens in Saratoga. I love to get pictures of stuff like that. :-P
Finding a new path in life is scary but exciting. I always was nervous when I had to leave a job that had good pay and good benefits for a new job and career. But sometimes it's necessary to save your sanity. Doing the same thing over and over, being bored and dealing with taxing managment are all good reasons to start anew. If you do decide to start on a new path in life you won't regret it, you may ask yourself why you didn't do it sooner. Good luck, I know you can do it so kick ass and take names.
Angel - thanks for the encouragement -you are a sweetie! I'm still young enough to change courses. :-)
Hey Notta!
Thanks for writing this. I also find myself at a point where I don't know what to do with the career path I have chosen. Currently I'm praying and trusting.
I once heard Henry Cloud talk about the definition of insanity: Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
What might you do today, that will change up your routine?
Good luck! I'll keep reading.
Agirl - thanks for visiting! Insanity? I'm at the brink at times, but mostly I'm just getting tired. It's not like I'm lazy or that I don't like some aspects of my job. It's just that there are enough parts of my job that leave me drained. Good luck in your ventures also - I hope you are able to find something you enjoy and feel like you are making a difference. :-)
Justice - I'm exploring that right now - we'll see what comes up. :-)
Thanks Storm :-)
Julia - Why would there be "no sitting on stairs"? Sometimes the rules are just screaming to be broken. :-P
I found you a few days ago, but didn't comment. What do we call you now; Jen, Notta, NW? I'm confused ;)
I answer to almost anything. Notta is fine, though. :-)
Call ME anything but late to dinner;)
Tee hee - forget about dinner, where's the chocolate?
I prefer to call chocolate a mood elevator. This makes it sound so much more necessary. ;)
It's necessary right now - talk to me in a week and I might feel differently. :-P
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