A Jellybean in an Eggplant

So far, so good. My hCG levels (hormone levels) are high, which would account for my morning sickness and my general bitchiness. My body definitely thinks I'm eating for two, but I'm trying to be careful. Apparently, there are new things to avoid that I didn't know about the first time around. For example, I'm not supposed to eat lunch meat that's not cooked because of nitrates, and I can't have too much tuna because of mercury, so finding things that actually sound decent for lunch has been difficult. I'm drinking water like it's going out of style because nothing else sounds good, but I have to be careful of plastics. I never thought I'd lose the taste for coffee, but it has happened. Just the thought of it makes me queasy. Then again, the thought of most things in the morning makes me ill.
It will be an interesting journey having a baby at my age, especially when my son will be almost 15 when this little person is born. One the one hand, diapers and feedings, and on the other, teenage hormones and helping with algebra homework. I better find something to grab onto because I'm in for a ride!
Congrats Notta. I sometimes wish I wouldnt have had my tubes tied after Brianna but I did. I would have loved to try for a boy but you can only have four c-sections and I wasnt so sure I wanted to go through a third one so we just tied me up when we did. I had it figured they had me open go for it. Anyway so exciting. Any particular sex you would like to have? Or just a healthy baby?Sorry for the rapid questions. If you need anything I think I still have some girl clothes around if its a girl I havent gotten rid of everything yet.
Tweety - This will be my husband's first child, so I don't think he really cares if it's a boy or a girl. However, I have raised a boy already and helped to raise my stepson, so I feel more comfortable with boys. But right now, I'd be happy with a healthy baby. Thank you for your generous offer. A few of my friends in the area have offered to lend me lots of things and clothes, which will save us a lot of money. That is always nice since we're trying to buy a house and kids aren't cheap. :-P
Congratulations! It might be a good thing that your son is 15 - he'll have a unique learning experience dealing with babies first hand... it might help with sex education and realizing the importance of contraception until you're really ready for a kid! I think if more teenagers had to deal with babies directly, there'd be a lot less carelessness... ;)
Laura - He's pretty excited. He lives with his father and stepmother, who adopted a girl from China a couple of years back. She'll turn 4 in August. He complains about her sometimes, but he's very sweet with her too. Not long ago, she was sick and crying in the middle of the night, and he got out of bed to take care of her and rock her back to sleep. He loves telling me about the new things she does and says. He has told me that he hopes for a boy, also, which we'll find out about as soon as we can.
You know I babsat as a teenager and delt with babies most of the time esp when the mothers would leave there new borns with me and I was the one getting up half way through the night to feed and change them. My friends were out having coffee while I babysat and took care of other peoples kids. I suppose its cheaper for your friends there to give you stuff then me sending boxes to you.LOL.. Well I am happy your son is excited that makes the transition easier.
I had a c-section with both girls and when we brought Bri home Kora was mad at me and told me to bring her back. She didnt want her and now almost three years later they are best friends.
Very good news Notta! Everything will be fine!!
actually, if you are following the advice to avoid nitrates, you shouldn't eat lunch meat even if it is heated up. The heating is to avoid listeria.
Yeah, there are so many rules now.
Tweety - I don't think the kids will be friends - too far apart in age. But it will be interesting.
Michael - That's pretty much what my mom says, and I appreciate the positive frame of mind.
Tessence - Uh oh, I've eaten warmed up lunch meat. /sigh. Okay, I guess it's just Smart Ones for lunch.
I didnt mean they would be friends but you just never know. LOL.. Look at Z and SME. They will have each other as they get older though. Everything will be good for you and everyone. Happy mother hood.
That is too weird that your kids will be spaced the same as mine!
Laura's right. Having Z was the best abstinence lesson SME had.
She had friends in high school who wanted to have babies before they graduated. SME kept asking them: "Do you know how much WORK a baby is? Do you know what you go through in pregnancy?" She told them to get a hamster first, and see if they could keep that alive. ;)
TSHS - I never even thought of it that way until you and Laura talked about it, as far as being an abstinence lesson for K. Thanks for the well wishes! :-)
Oh my gosh. I had no idea.
Well, congratulations!
ZS - I wanted to keep it quiet until I had some tests done. Thanks!
Wait! What? Whoa! Congratulations, and I must say that's a very handsome jelly bean! ;)
I was 14 when my bro was born, and like Laura says it is a GREAT sex-ed lesson. I wouldn't rule out your son and jellybean being good friends, someday. Z and I have a lot in common now that he's the same age I was when he was born.
SME - I think he/she is rather handsome. :-) I didn't think of the age difference that way - Jellybean will probably be able to relate to K better because he won't have forgotten what it was like to be a teenager. :-P
Definitely. The only catch is, K will be able to teach Jellybean a few dirty tricks, too. ;D
Well, if the baby didn't learn it from K, he/she would learn it somewhere else. :-P
OMIGOD! Congratulations! This is so exciting. Personally, I am hoping that you have a little girl but I don't care as long as both you and your child are happy and healthy.
Angelique - Thanks! Everyone I run into says that they think I'll have a girl. I think it's too soon to tell. I'll know a little more in mid-July (my next ultrasound).
Congratulations! Fantastic news!!! :) Here's wishing you a happy and healthy pregnancy. :)
Kori - Thanks! So far it hasn't been too fun, but it's for a good cause. :-P
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