We made the trek to San Francisco yesterday to see the Chinese New Year Parade. It was nice just to get outside on such a gorgeous day. It still feels odd that I don't have to wear a coat in February. All the pictures I was able to get that actually turned out were before the parade even started.

H and I found a good spot towards the beginning of the parade route, but when the parade started, the policemen let the crowd move forward to the island, which totally ruined whatever view we actually had. A few minutes later, the policemen changed their minds and moved everyone back to the sidewalk, but by that time, we had already lost a decent place.

This shot is the best one I was able to get of the dragons since we did not get to stay for that part. Instead, we walked back to the Caltrain station to head home, stopping for dinner along the way. The best part of the day was when we were riding home and I put my head on H's shoulder and we just talked.
All we have in northern MN is St Urho's Day. :(
That's sweet.
Nice pics. Didn't make it this year, but maybe next year I'll take the family down. Or maybe next year we'll be living in the Bay Area. Not sure yet.
TSHS - St Urho's Day? I've never heard of that... what happens on that day?
ZS - Next year, we'll have to do a little more research on good spots. No more jumping up and down to try to see. :-P
St. Urho is Finland's version of St. Patrick. He drove the grasshoppers out of Finland. His day is either the day before or the day after(can't remember which) St. Patrick's Day.
We don't have St Pat's parades up here, but several small towns have St Urho parades.
I'm surprised I hadn't heard of that. My hometown has only one parade I can think of - the Lilac Parade in May. I think I've been one time and I honestly can't remember why we have it. :-P
"The best part of the day was when we were riding home and I put my head on H's shoulder and we just talked."
Faltenin - I'm romantic like that. Besides, I realize my tendency to complain too much and I wanted to pick out the best part of the day.
notta - great pics
tshs - St. Urho's Day? I haven't even heard Garrison Keillor talk about that one. I must immediately consult "The Jesse Ventura Guide to All things Minnesotan (doncha know)!
reporting back: St. Urho is apparently the patron saint of Finland. St. Urho's day is March 16, and the best of all SU day celebrations apparently takes place in Menahaga MN.
A description of last years celebration: Following a delicious mojakka & flatbread dinner,
The Talent Contest began at 7:30 Friday nite to
a packed auditorium at the school,
on Saturday morning we had Pancakes Eggs & Sausage
at the VFW, then had a Volleyball Tourney at the school,
we had a Horseshoe Tourney at the park, enjoyed the
"(costume-)Changing of the Guards" at noon by the statue,
listened to Finn music downtown and watched the Big Parade
(there WERE floats this year :) at 1 PM on Main Street,
teed-off for the "Kolf" tournament is on Spirit Lake after that,
then headed for the VFW for some serious debriefing,
and in between we ate, told tales & went visiting!
That is definately going on my things to do before I die list!
GWB - Thanks! I'm afraid that no one wants me around horseshoes - bad things happen. :-P
Did they have outhouses in their parade, GWB? That's a big thing up here.
Thanks Julia. :-)
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