So, since I've been sick on my birthday weekend, I've had nothing else to do but plant myself on the couch with water, Extra Strength Tylenol, and a box of Kleenex and watch movies. One of the movies we were sent from Netflix was Annie Hall. I've never seen a Woody Allen movie until this one and, from what I've seen of him in public and knowing about the whole "leave-wife-to-take-up-with-your-stepdaughter" thing, I was hesitant. The thing is, this movie was pretty good! He was very charming and, even though he's not my type, I can see why Diane Keaton's character was attracted to him. The thing I liked best about this film was all the quick one-liners. Sort of like when Annie was driving him home (she's a horrid driver) and she attempts to parallel park and he opens the door and looks down and says "that's okay, at least we can walk to the curb". There were some cameos also, like at the party in LA where a young Jeff Goldblum asks his agent "What's my mantra again? I forgot...". I love the parts where they split the screen and do a "he said, she said" type thing. Many of the things that couples struggled with way back then (in the '70s) are the same things couples struggle with today. This movie did a great job of chronicling the main characters' relationship in a humorous and sweet way. I would give this movie 9 out of 10 dancing feet.
I've never seen Annie Hall, but I have seen several other Woody films and I tend to dislike his style. His humor always comes off as pretentious humor, rather than just clever or intelligent. Or maybe I've just never liked a Woody Allen fan for that reason and projected onto the movie? I have meant to see Annie Hall though, maybe it's different.
I've never seen his other films, so I don't know if this movie is in keeping with his style or not. I liked how the two main characters (Allen and Keaton) played off of each other. Supposedly, this is one of his better films. If you see it, let me know what you think.
This is one of L's favorite movies. I'm not a Woody Allen fan, though.
Wondering - thanks for visiting. Hope you like it. :-)
TSHS - I'd never seen a Woody Allen movie until this one. Because of his weirdness, I've not been a fan of his...ever. But this was pretty good. Your L has good taste. :-)
I didn't know it was your birthday. Happy birthday! We must celebrate properly when you are feeling better.
Mmm, Annie Hall, that's such a bittersweet movie. I haven't seen that many Woodies, but that one is my favorite. And seeing Diane so young, sigh, it really makes one realize we'll all be old before we know it.
Tessence - I like my celebrations low key. Maybe we can get a drink after the parade on Saturday. Aging... yes.. that's hitting home lately. :-P
I hope that you feel better soon, Notta. I always like to watch Bollywood movies when I am sick. They always seem to cheer me up, it must be all the singing and dancing. I haven't seen Annie Hall but I have seen every other Woody Allen movie. I'll check it out.
My wife hates Woody Allen, so if I want to see a Woody Allen movie, I do it when she's doing homework or something. I have Manhattan Murder Mystery on DVD. Got that one for a present.
I'll need to rent Annie Hall, especially after such a glowing review.
At DVC, the junior college I went to (probably a half hour from you), I sat in for a Woody Allen film class. Saw about half a dozen of his movies in that class. The next semester was Scorsece.
Angelique - I'm feeling better now. One of the other flicks I watched when I was sick was "Fried Green Tomatoes". It's an old standby for me. :-P
ZS - When I rent a movie that I think only I will like and H ends up saying that it was "really good" (when I already like it a lot), then I know I have a winner. :-)
I've not heard of DVC. I'm surprised they split up the films like that, but it's nice to get familiar with one person's work so you can see their overall style.
Notta - DVC is Diablo Valley College. It's the largest community college system in Northern California. The main campus is in Pleasant Hill which if you take where you live and go north on I-680, you'll hit it in about a half hour to forty minutes. There are other campuses as well. I went to the main one.
Excellent schools. People make fun of people who go to JC's, but I think they're great. A lot of the people who go are flakes, which is a good thing, because there's no line for a Professor's office. I've never had a problem scheduling an appointment with a Professor, and some I stayed in touch with for years after graduating.
Hey, I started out in a CC because that's what I could afford. I have no problem with them. That's more east and north of where I live, but I know the general area.
Aaaah, Woody. A friend commented years ago that my love life was like a Woody Allen film - full of talk, jokes, self-pity and not enough sex.
Still holds true unfortunately!
Faltenin - Have you seen any of his movies? :-P
Never seen a Woody Allen movie, but I suppose I should see just one - just to say I have. I heard Match Point was good.
Thanks for visiting, BTW. I was married to an elementary school teacher and I resonated with some of what you wrote in the post below.
WC - Thanks for visiting, also. I'll have to check out "Match Point", but I don't know if it can top Annie Hall. :-)
I am a huge fan of Woody Allen films, because i like movies with dark humor and complex characters. Annie Hall is my favorite, but Bullets Over Broadway isn't far behind.
GWB - Thanks for the tip. I'll have to check that one out. :-)
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