Go Speed Racer!
This is speed racer at the go-cart track in Redwood City. Pretty fun stuff - we did five laps on the track and it gave me a good idea of what K will be like when he has a car (which is luckily not for a few years). K is the kind of driver who likes to swerve aggressively and who does not know where the brake pedal is.
This odd statue was by the Moscone Center in San Francisco. I wasn't able to capture the image, but little children were having a great time going up to him and shaking his hand and taking long weeds and sticking them up his nose. Supposedly, he is supposed to be "jittery", which reminds me of myself when I don't have enough caffiene. However, the way his right hand is outstretched reminds me of a guy about to grab himself some boot-ay. I'm not sure which mental picture is better....
I had a great time with K this weekend - he is a fun kid to be around and it seems like he has grown taller each time I see him! K had a very good time visiting, as much as I can tell. He is not a very demonstrative kid, so it's hard for other people to tell if he really is enjoying himself or not. When he gets stressed out (which tends to happen around crowds), it takes a bit for him to decompress and actually relax enough to enjoy his surroundings. The way I can tell that he'll actually miss me is that K took a second glance over his shoulder as he boarded a plane back to Spokane.
/sad sigh

I had a great time with K this weekend - he is a fun kid to be around and it seems like he has grown taller each time I see him! K had a very good time visiting, as much as I can tell. He is not a very demonstrative kid, so it's hard for other people to tell if he really is enjoying himself or not. When he gets stressed out (which tends to happen around crowds), it takes a bit for him to decompress and actually relax enough to enjoy his surroundings. The way I can tell that he'll actually miss me is that K took a second glance over his shoulder as he boarded a plane back to Spokane.
/sad sigh
Thanks Storm - yeah, we had a really good weekend. :-)
Justice - I see him once a month. I finally have a job where I can afford to fly. :-)
I always wanted to drive one of those things but I probably wouldn't do very well. I am glad that you guys had fun and I hope he gets to visit you again very soon. I also think that it's guy lingo to not use words but body language and grunts to convey their feelings. That is a scary statue by the way.
Awesome! We have one of those tracks in Santa Maria about an hour north of us. I need to take Junior on one of those.
Glad you had a good time with him.
Angel - you should try it sometime. I was surprised, but I actually had a good time, too!
ZS - I'm sure your son would love driving one of those. What boy wouldn't? :-P
Not being able to see my kids pretty much every day would be the worst thing that could happen to me. I know it must be painful to say goodbye like that.
Jason - I had no idea until this summer. I knew it would be hard, but not like this.
that statue will always be the bootay statue to me from now on.
k is lucky to have such a wonderfully loving mom. your love for him shows so brightly.
I really admire you for giving K the freedom to choose where he lives. I KNOW I'd never be able to handle that kind of separation!
Bert - Uh oh - didn't mean to ruin the image of the booty man. :-P
TSHS - The main thing that helps is knowing that he's happy and that he's off to a good start in school. I've been in contact with his teachers and I know how to check his progress online and I get to see him as often as I can. Thank goodness I'm on a school schedule - lots of nice breaks. :-)
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