Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Kickin' Caffeine is Kickin' My Butt.... and Other Happenings

No, I'm not crazy. I'm just cutting WAY back on my caffeine intake, much to my chagrin. Yes, I know that I will probably feel much better once I'm off the stuff, but I took a certain pride in being able to say "Hey, if caffeiene is my worst vice, then I'm not doing half bad". I'm on day three and my body doesn't like going without - I'm having headaches, my body is sluggish, I'm cranky, and I generally feel like crap.

What prompted this insane idea to give up coffee? Well, on the advice of a close friend, I picked up the book "Taking Charge of Your Fertility". Let me just say that cutting out caffeine is one of the less icky things this book would have me do in order to take charge of things. I won't go into all the gory details, but if you want to read up on it, just do a search on Fertility Awareness Method on Google and you'll read more than you probably wanted to know. Just don't say I didn't warn you.

Since H and I have Blockbuster online, we've been catching up on the old classics. We have watched some truly good movies, like Casablanca and Guess Who's Coming to Dinner. Also in our queue have been some odd movies like Clockwork Orange, which disturbed me. Why on earth would a guy wear freakishly long fake eyelashes on one eye and not the other? Some other movies have been complete duds. I couldn't even make it through Funny Face. I'm not sure that some movies translate well over time.

Work has been filled with moments that are either extremely funny or very touching or painfully difficult. There doesn't seem to be much "in between". Kids who are usually not close to me have asked me for hugs. Some of my students are learning to make jokes that are actually funny, which has been very amusing and refreshing to see. But we've also had an influx of kids who are drug and alcohol affected. No matter how many other things I can become accustomed to and hardened to, this is something I can't. When I sit across the table from these kids and work with them, I have a hard time not thinking "this kiddo could be normal if his parents hadn't done drugs/alcohol". Some of them are already having anger issues because of the choices their parents made. I'm not quite sure if the parents don't realize the global issues they are causing their kids to have, or if they are so caught up in their addictions that they don't have the wherewithall to think of anything else. Either way, it makes me sad and angry.

On Saturday, I'll be leaving for Spokane, which I'm really looking forward to. I need a change of scenery, to be away from work, and to just be around my family. When my students asked me what I plan to do, I said "sleep in, spend time with my family, and possibly go sledding". Winter break, here I come!


Blogger Laura said...

oooh, sledding! that sounds fun. Good luck kicking caffeine! I assume caffeine has a negative effect on fertility? If so, I better keep drinkin' it! ;)

Have fun!

7:54 AM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Laura - I've not been sledding in years. I'm really looking forward to it! Yep, caffeine is bad for the fertility. So if you and hubby don't want kiddos, just keep up your caffeine addictions. It works for men, also. The book is good also for natural forms of birth control. I'm about half-way through it, and so far, it seems pretty common sense.

4:03 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I'm bad at giving up anything.

1:47 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That was me...Purring. Can't get signed in properly.

1:48 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Your reason is the ONLY reason I would EVER give up coffee! I quit when I was pregnant, but that's it!
Coffee is the main reason I get up in the morning.
I haven't been able to comment on any Beta blogs, so I'm signing in under the "other" category.

4:19 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Purring - I'm horrible at giving things up if a "have to" is involved. I have had to learn to put the choice back into it, but it still stings. :-P

TSHS - I have my own troubles with this beta blogger, and I can't figure out how to uninstall it. :-/ As far as caffeine, the trainer guy at the gym said it's also good to kick the habit for weight management, which is also a good reason for me. My goal is to not go back on it at all. We'll see.

5:01 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Once you switch to Beta, you can't go back. I'm waiting until I HAVE to switch. :(

8:27 AM  
Blogger Angelique said...

Good luck on cutting down on caffiene. You are a brave woman and someday I hope to try to kick the caffeine habit. Sledding sounds good. I can't remember the last time we actually had enough snow to go sledding in here in Austin. Right now it isn't even cold, it's in the mid 70's outside.

3:29 PM  
Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

I guess caffeine would be a good (er, bad) thing to kick. I know it increases appetite, but didn't know it could have anything to do with fertility. That's a little spooky.

Here in the frozen north, we've got plenty of snow, but very few hills. So enjoy that sledding!

7:36 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Angelique - Unless we get more snow here, I won't be sledding. Like last year, there is no snow on the ground here. We used to get a lot of snow. :-/

SME - I didn't know about appetite and caffeine. Jeez! Wish I would have known that sooner.

7:14 AM  

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