I Watch Too Much TV
I readily admit that I should not watch as much television as I do, but I do have my favorite shows. When I'm home sick, I love watching "The Price Is Right" - I've watched it ever since I was a young girl. At night, I watch reruns of shows, plus "Lost" and "Grey's Anatomy". One thing I noticed is that there is a stark difference between "daytime ads" and "nighttime ads". The ones during the day are noticably worse than the ones at night. Here are some doozies I've seen during daytime programming:

Just For Men - Because you know a man can't be a real man without a beard. Not only does a real man need a beard, but there must be no gray. What ever happened to men getting away with gray as "distinguished"? Now we have to suffer through watching women revere and marvel at their very-noticably-dye-job-bearded-real man. Gag!
Yaz Birth Control - First of all, when I'm with my girlfriends, contrary to what commercials would have you believe, I don't talk about birth control or feminine hygiene products. Secondly, all the girls (not women) in this commercial are too young to be doctors, so I would not take a bit of advice from them regarding best methods of birth control. Usually I just try to bear through bad commercials, but when this doozie comes on, I actually change the damn channel. It's just that annoying.
Cingular Go Phone - You know, the one with the mom and the teen girl arguing. Supposedly, this is supposed to make me think about getting a cell phone for my teenage son, because jeez, every kid needs a cell phone right? Unfortunately, the whole argument scene is so excruciating that I cannot even focus on what they are trying to sell me.
Life Alert - Remember the commercials that used to be on during shows like "The Price Is Right"? The one with the elderly person on the floor, with the caption "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!". Not only do they still have these on tv, but I get them in my ValPak mailer. These commercials are not very flattering to elderly people. I know what they are trying to sell, and the idea is not a bad one, but there has to be a better way to sell a safety device.
Burger King - Some of my favorite nighttime commercials include the ones with "The King" to advertise Burger King. I gotta tell ya, it's just funny to see a guy dressed as a king with the big happy king-head on doing everyday things like making touchdowns and popping up to say "hello" outside of someone's window and scaring the shit outta them. Cracks me up every time.
Career Builder - Everyone knows that anything with monkeys is just better. Besides, who can't relate to ineptness of some co-workers? Sometimes it really does feel like we're just working besides monkeys.
GEICO - Some of these ads are hit-or-miss, but I love two of them - the one with Little Richard and Burt Bacharach. These are the ads that have a real GEICO customer paired with a celebrity who tells their story. MMM... mashed potatoes and graaaaavvvyyyy!!
I think that daytime target audiences need to campaign for better commercials, since they have to suffer through them just like the nighttime target audience!

Just For Men - Because you know a man can't be a real man without a beard. Not only does a real man need a beard, but there must be no gray. What ever happened to men getting away with gray as "distinguished"? Now we have to suffer through watching women revere and marvel at their very-noticably-dye-job-bearded-real man. Gag!
Yaz Birth Control - First of all, when I'm with my girlfriends, contrary to what commercials would have you believe, I don't talk about birth control or feminine hygiene products. Secondly, all the girls (not women) in this commercial are too young to be doctors, so I would not take a bit of advice from them regarding best methods of birth control. Usually I just try to bear through bad commercials, but when this doozie comes on, I actually change the damn channel. It's just that annoying.
Cingular Go Phone - You know, the one with the mom and the teen girl arguing. Supposedly, this is supposed to make me think about getting a cell phone for my teenage son, because jeez, every kid needs a cell phone right? Unfortunately, the whole argument scene is so excruciating that I cannot even focus on what they are trying to sell me.
Life Alert - Remember the commercials that used to be on during shows like "The Price Is Right"? The one with the elderly person on the floor, with the caption "Help, I've fallen and I can't get up!". Not only do they still have these on tv, but I get them in my ValPak mailer. These commercials are not very flattering to elderly people. I know what they are trying to sell, and the idea is not a bad one, but there has to be a better way to sell a safety device.

Career Builder - Everyone knows that anything with monkeys is just better. Besides, who can't relate to ineptness of some co-workers? Sometimes it really does feel like we're just working besides monkeys.
GEICO - Some of these ads are hit-or-miss, but I love two of them - the one with Little Richard and Burt Bacharach. These are the ads that have a real GEICO customer paired with a celebrity who tells their story. MMM... mashed potatoes and graaaaavvvyyyy!!
I think that daytime target audiences need to campaign for better commercials, since they have to suffer through them just like the nighttime target audience!
A few guys grow beards to hide imperfections on their dials, some to appear tough, some for obscure religious reasons, but the vast majority are too bone idle to shave.
Vest - That's a new take on it I hadn't thought of. :-P
Daytime commercials are also much more geared toward women and domestic issues. Cuz that's where we ladies belong! Sittin on our asses watchin Oprah!
What is up with the Burger King? Am I the only one seriously creeped out by that mask?
Laura - You're not the only one. H thinks it's creepy too. It's just that I have a warped sense of humor and it makes me laugh to see the big mask. :-P I have no time to sit on my ass and watch Oprah - I'm usually working. :-/
I'm with Laura. That Burger King mask creeps me out!
I've learned to zone out commercials. Z gets irate at them all the time, and can't believe that I didn't see it.
OK, a little defense for the Oprah audience: Most of us are not sitting on our asses while we watch it. We're cleaning our houses. I used to kind of look down on my mom for constantly having "The View," "Oprah," etc. on during her days off when she was home taking care of the house. But now that I'm a stay-at-home mom, I either tape Oprah and watch it during naptime while I'm doing the dishes, or I cave into naughty temptation and watch it while my daughter's awake.
Just yesterday I was paying special attention to the commercials on during Oprah and another daytime show my kid occasionally gets exposed to, "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire." I wanted to check whether there were any commercials for fast food, junk food, or other things I don't want her exposed to. I was relieved to see that mostly there were mattress and furniture ads, local political ads, a few food products and some infant toys. Oh yeah, and the beard dying commercial -- I just noticed that one the other day.
Oh, and are you talking about that birth control ad for the ring that you shove up the va-jay-jay? Epu actually told me about that product, and I didn't BELIEVE him until I saw the ad for myself.
I was being sarcastic, just so ya know. I didn't mean to imply that stay at home moms do nothing all day. But that is society's impression as a whole (why else would it be given such little societal value in comparison to wage labor).
The Nuva ring is what you guys are talking about? My doctor told me about that years ago - strange that its on TV ads now. It's supposed to work.
If that creeps you out, you should check this out then. Talk about EW.
TSHS - Z sounds like my K - no patience whatsoever for commercials. You should see the huff he gets into. :-P
Tessence - I love Oprah, and actually watch her when I get a chance. I know not all stay-at-home moms sit on their bums, but I must say that it would be nice to do that once in a while.
The Yaz commercial is a pill, I think. I've seen those ring commercials and nothing like that is going "up there".
Laura - I just visited that link. That looks awful! Even though I don't like the idea of polluting the environment with "traditional products", I don't think I could bring myself to use that. Where the hell do you find those sites? :-P
I actually first heard about the Diva Cup through a yahoo group for women with new IUDs (I've had one for 3 yrs now) and they were wondering if it worked with an IUD. Then I saw ads for it in Bitch magazine - along with washable pads... I'm with you, I don't like polluting the environment, but can you imagine having to take care of that at work or something?
Tessence, that's what I like the most about Oprah and Dr. Phil; I can listen to them while I'm working around the house.
Laura - No, I just cannot imagine doing that. Just not worth it.
TSHS - At some point, I wouldn't mind getting TIVO so I can watch shows that I miss because of work or because I go to bed early. I've always enjoyed Oprah - she's the only talk show I'd bother tivo'ing.
I haven't seen ESPN commercials. I did see a commercial yesterday that made me laugh. IT was for some sinus medication, and the slogan was something like "take this medication so you can get back to work". Not so you can get to feeling better. We have our priorities here in the US. :-P
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