I went to my ultrasound appointment this morning and got a piece of good news - we're having a boy! This was just what I needed in order to bounce me out of my funk. It was pretty funny because the radiology tech had to spend about an hour trying to get decent pictures. She kept saying "he won't cooperate" and "I guess he's shy". Every time she would get in a good position to get a good picture, he would move away from the ultrasound wand. It was pretty amazing to see him moving around - he moved his hand towards his face and moved his head from side to side as if in silent protest. H wondered aloud if you can tell a baby's personality from what they are like in-utero, something I was curious about myself. Time will tell....
Cool now you know what he is do you have a name picked out for the little guy??? Just wondering. My sister in law that is due Oct 16th told me if they are having a boy his name will be Mawell Ludwig and a girl Tiffane Ann. I wonder if she meant Maxwell Ludwig. And just spelled it wrong. But congrats again and you better start painting. Are you doing the nursery in blue now or still nutural colors? I think I spelled that right. Well thanks for sharing and letting us know what he is. LOL..
Tweety - I will save Jellybean's name until we have him. :-) As far as painting, I think I'll just leave the walls neutral. He will be in our room for the first half year anyway. I have a few friends who are due soon (between now and October), and we're all having boys. Too funny!
EXCELLENT, you're both doing well!
Z liked to have his hands against his face, in utero. After he was born, he screamed non-stop until I unwrapped his hands from the blanket. He immediately put his hands against his face and fell asleep. ;)
TSHS - I'm glad you gave me that tip. Of course, every baby is a little different. It will be interesting to see what works. :-)
Tweety beat me to it. I guess you'll just have to keep us in suspense. ;)
That is ok. I can wait. Now may I make him a blanket if you dont mind??? I love making baby blankets. Just one special blanket from a blog friend to another. You will have to e-mail me your home address if thats ok with you. Let me know. Tweets
ZS - Well, it's just in case we change our minds. I was supposed to be a "Sarah Michelle" until I was born, and then my parents changed their minds.
Tweety - That's very generous and kind of you! I would never turn down a home-made baby blanket. That's a nice keepsake. Thank you!
Your welcome. I love making them and all I need is your address. I have a pattern all picked out. It will be royal blue,blue and light blue. I will post my sister in laws blanket in the next few days to show you the pattern.
How cool! I'm very happy for you!!!
Thanks Michael - we're pretty excited too!
yay! congrats
Notta: i recently discovered a great temporary and easy decoration for kids rooms -- wall decals. i found some really pretty (not tacky at all) butterfly decals for Nutmeg's room at Menards (like Home Depot) and she loved helping put them up. They peel right off again.
Woo hoo! Congratulations! Your fortune cookie reads,
"Expect tiny, adorable blue garments to come your way."
Much love to you and your boys!
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Sounds like you need to tell H's sister, "Never count your X chromosomes before they hatch."
(insert "pun"ny laughter)
Tessence - Thanks! My friend has some of those decals in her son's room and they are very cute. I will have to look into them. I liked the info you posted on car seats - I need to read the rest of it.
Kori - Thanks for the well wishes! That's why I didn't buy anything for the baby yet - because people were telling me "oh, I think it's a girl". I never put much stock in that, and I'm glad I waited. :-) H's sister will have another friend who is probably pregnant - there will be a use for girl clothes. Just not in this house. :-P
Congratulations! I think if I were having a baby too I would like to know their sex before they are born. I don't think, I could wait 9 months to now if it was a boy or a girl!
Thanks Angelique - We are happy we found out. It's nice for planning sake. Some people think it ruins the surprise, but I still don't know what he looks like or what his little personality will be like.
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