I'm usually not a prude when it comes to language, but when I'm at work I mind my P's and Q's. I work in public schools, so not only is it important to refrain from swearing, one should also not mention kids or parents' names (or co-workers for that matter). This is especially true if you want to bitch about them to other co-workers in very public places (like the lunchroom or the copy room or the hallway). I work with this one gal who is old enough to be my mother and she gives "cussin'" a new definition. It would not bother me if she did this behind closed doors, but she does this any old place in the building and seems not to be bothered by the fact that people can hear her. She gives me the evil eye when I try to give her the "shush" sign (you know, finger held vertically in front of slightly pursed lips). You probably wonder why I care so much, but it's mostly because she is complaining about parents/kids who I work with as well. I feel like I'm guilty just by association. I can respect that people should be able to express their frustrations in their own ways, but sheesh, there is a time and a place!
Isn't there a handbook of policies that she should be reading?
It sounds like this woman is a lawsuit waiting to happen!
TSHS - Policies state that, first of all, information should be kept confidential. So, if you want to discuss something, do it in private or simply don't use the person's name or any other identifying info. I'm not sure if it says anything about swearing - I've never had to pay attention to that part. :-/
I work with a person like that and it drives me crazy. Like she's perfect or something!!!! The thing that keeps me going is that I know it will come back around to haunt her one day and it won't be pretty!
Nice blog page BTW!
Pammylew - Thanks! Well, I'm just trying to make sure her actions don't come back to haunt me. :-P
Yeah, no kidding. You will be guilty by association. If I were you, I'd be careful around her. She could say the wrong thing and you being with her will make you out to be a bad guy as well.
ZS - I'm more careful now. When she starts in, I act rude and turn and walk away.
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