My Beef with Bicycles

I don't have anything against bicycles or bicycle riding, per se. I've had several bikes throughout my life and have enjoyed riding them, despite some minor mishaps and scrapes and bruises from falling. My beef is about sharing the road with bicyclists. I don't think I would have this issue if two things happened - all roads had bicycle lanes on them AND bicyclists actually followed the rules of the road.
Before moving here to the San Jose area, I lived near the "Bike Capital of the Northwest" and was used to sharing the road with bikers, even though it annoyed me. At least most of them knew the rules of the road and followed them, even though most of the streets in that area (Redmond) were not built to easily include bikers in traffic. Now that I'm in California, my patience with bicyclists has plummeted, mostly due to the idiotic things they do to make driving around here even more difficult than it already is. Some of the things I've seen include bicyclists riding on the opposite side of the road, not stopping for stop signs, not wearing helmets, using a car lane when a bicycle lane is available, and asking me to get off the sidewalk so they can ride their bike on it. This last one doesn't hinder the flow of traffic, but pisses me off just because of the "rudeness" factor. Aside from all of this, I've yet to see a bicyclist able to keep up with the minimum posted speed limits on most streets, which makes it tricky to get around them in congested traffic where there aren't bike lanes.
In searching for bicycle accident statistics, the most recent data I found was from 2002 on the US Department of Transportation website. Here are a few interesting factoids:
- The first automobile accident in the US was in New York City in 1896, when an automobile collided with a bicyclist.
- More than 47,000 pedabicyclists have died in traffic crashes in the US since 1932.
- Pedacyclists accounted for 12% of all nonmotorist traffic fatalities in 2002.
- Pedacyclists under the age of 16 accounted for 24% of all pedacyclists killed and 39% of those injured in traffic accidents in 2002, which is down from 1992 (42% of those killed).
It looks like, from the data, that pedacyclists' deaths have decreased over the years. Even so, there are still too many injuries and fatalities on the road for bicyclists. This website gives some interesting statistics on bicycle accidents. Clearly, both motorists and bicyclists have a ways to go before it is actually safe for bicyclists to share the roadway with motorists.
Too bad we can't figure out how the number of accident deaths compares to the number of kids who suffer from asthma caused or aggravated by air pollution caused by cars. At least you guys have a hybrid :-)
I dunno, up here, the people I notice violating the rules of the road the most are -- hands down -- the car drivers. I can't count the number of times I've nearly been run down by drivers while I'm pushing a STROLLER in the crosswalk.
Yeah, that's true also. And I realize that some people ride their bikes as the sole means of transportation. On a side note, I am sure that you take pedestrian safety seriously, but I also drive around areas with a lot of teenagers who don't take it seriously. It makes for a stressful time in getting around for those of us motorists who are conscientious drivers.
We have a beautiful bike path network where I live. Unfortunately, the "professional" bikers prefer to snarl up traffic by riding on the highway.
Professional biker=spandex biking outfit complete with helmet equipped with rearview mirrors
TSHS - Actually, I know the professional bikers you're referring to and those are the ones who usually at least follow the rules of the road, except for staying in the bike lane. They are usually the ones who take up traffic, even when there is a bike lane available. Grr!
My worst experience wih cyclists, a couple of years back involved three riding abreast against the traffic at dusk and we met turning a blind corner. Later my darling asked "When did you learn to put six swear words in one sentence".
BTW Fortunately no one was hurt.
Vest, I had the same experience with skateboarders!
Vest - I'm glad everyone was okay. :-)
Kitkat - I know it's not always the bikers' faults. It's just that a lot of times, they have as much choice over their actions as drivers do, yet they still choose to endanger themselves by not following the rules of the road. It doesn't make sense to me. It's the same way that it makes no sense to me when some asshole in a car behind me feels the needs to tailgate me when we're going 70 on the freeway. Just lack of respect irritates me.
TSHS - Luckily, most of the skateboarders I've seen actually have safe places to ride, which they seem to use.
Unicycles are cool. Try unicycles.
Faltenin - I'm afraid that I'm dangerous enough to others on my own two feet. :-P
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