Our Visit To Carmel
H and I went to Carmel this weekend, which is only about a 2 hour drive from San Jose, but it's like you're in a whole different world. "Quaint and Rich" is about the best way to describe it. It's a place you can go where there really is nothing better to do than get yourself a soda and a home-made cookie, sit on some rustic-looking benches, and watch birds.

There is shopping also, if you like that sort of thing (I'm not very fond of shopping without a specific purpose, though). Most of the stores were clothing, art, or very expensive items that one doesn't need. Carmel also has several little alley-ways with hidden shops and quiet nooks.

We happened to go to Carmel on the weekend of their Art Festival, so we took in some of the sculptures. There were three like this metal horse, which were my favorites. Also, there were several nudes. The most detailed parts of these sculptures were the tatas - they must have been designed by men. The best thing at the art festival was that it was housed in a small outdoor park, where we were able to sit and enjoy the live reggae band.
After a day of wandering around Carmel, we decided to go to a fancy dinner at Casanova, which is the only dinner I've ever been to that officially had three courses to choose from. For future reference, their butter and garlic mushrooms were excellent.
My favorite part of the trip was this morning when we went on the 17 mile drive. These pictures are from Spanish Bay, where I could not stop watching the waves crash. I cannot explain it, but I've always been drawn to water - it's like something that was part of me before I was even created.

There were several interesting trees along the way - mostly Cypress. This one below is called "Ghost Tree".
All in all, our trip was very relaxing. We did a lot of walking around, which was nice since we spend too much of our "usual" weekends on our bums. I love the fact that, pretty much everywhere I looked, there were flowers, plants, and trees. The parking is a pain in the ass and the homes were astronomically priced (a fixer upper is about 1 mil), but there are plenty of things to do in the area that would suit almost anyone's interest. If you pay no mind to the "uppities", it would be hard for anyone not to enjoy this place.

Your photos are very peaceful. thank you for sharing them.
Those waves are so perfect, they look fake. Maybe all the waves in high priced areas are perfect? ;)
d - No problem - I love taking pictures.
TSHS - Not only were the waves perfect, but a lot of "plastic" people. At dinner, I heard a lady complain that she went somewhere and wasn't able to stay at the Ritz Carlton. Boo, hoo - life is very rough for some people. :-P
Wot no Clint mentioned!
Dont the Ghost trees have foliage at some time or other?
Vest - We tried to get a room at Clint's hotel, but were unsuccessful since we planned our visit at last minute. I found out right before we left that he is mayor of Carmel. Too funny. According to the brochure, the ghost tree never has foliage. Go figure.
Oooooh, pretty, pretty. That looks so nice. I wish there were a place that relaxing 2 hours from our house.
Julia, I wasn't sure what kind of bird it was, but it was very bold - it came close to us and didn't seem to be bothered by humans. I hope you're able to get there too - I think you'd like more of the nature things to do there.
Laura - Even though I complain about living here, one nice thing is that there is plenty to do and not that far of a drive.
I loooove that area. used to camp alone in Big Sur. It's so peaceful there. If I'm not mistaken, Clint Eastwood was mayor of Carmel once.
Love the pics. They do the area justice.
ZS - I have yet to visit Big Sur, but we will go to that area again - it's just so pretty.
That place looks to be rather charming!
Yeah, it was pretty nice. I can't think of too many people who wouldn't like it for one reason or another. :-P
C E wuld have made your day.
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