Sunday, April 16, 2006

More Scorpions

This is the umpteenth time I've had a dream involving scorpions, but I've not had that many lately. Scorpions scare the crap out of me, even though I've never lived in places where I've had to worry about them. I've never been stung by one or in any other way traumatized by them. In my dream last night, I was living in the house I grew up in from fourth grade until graduation, but there were slight modifications to the house. The dream started with me waking up in bed to see a scorpion crawl across my hardwood floor (in reality, it was a carpet floor) towards my bed. Rather, I didn't see it at first, I heard the very distinct clicking sounds that it made as it crawled, then I saw it. Someone I didn't know was at my door coaching me on how to get out of the room without being stung and without being detected by the scorpion. However, once I was able to get out of my room, the living room was crawling with them. Finally, a piece of chicken was thrown on the floor to attract them to a central area. I was able to sneak downstairs and found my brothers playing happily with toys amidst the commotion and almost certain death that was awaiting us upstairs. Slowly, I crept back up the stairs and made a pot of coffee for the man who would come and get rid of these nasty creatures. The coffee turned out very weak, so I had to pour it down the drain and try again. The man finally approached our house up the walkway (which, in actuality, was the walkway of my grandparent's house) and came in the house to take care of our scorpion problem. But before he would begin, he sat down on our couch and had a leisurely cup of joe first. Just as he began to crush the scorpions, one managed to sneak away from the chicken and came up and was about to bite me on my ankle. Then, I woke up.

Dream interpretation from this website says that I need to be mindful of a situation that can inflict pain on me (that's the scorpion part). The coffee can apparently connote several different things - that I'm in need of stimulation, that I need to "wake up and smell the coffee", or simply that I seek communion or socialization. Another site says that the scorpion is a sign of destructive feelings, thoughts, or words against me and that the coffee represents a need to slow down. Yet another site says that the scorpion is a symbol of death and rebirth - out with the old and in with the new, and that the coffee represents a need to gain insight about something before making a decision.

Do I think there's anything to this? Partly, but I also checked for bedbugs in my sheets as soon as I woke up!


Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Kitkat - I have no clue where the chicken came from or why anyone thought that would be a good idea. The dream was mostly freaky because of how real it seemed - the type that makes you get goosebumps. I've heard of weirder things than having feelings for exterminators, but I don't know any in real life. :-P

7:18 PM  
Blogger greatwhitebear said...

It must be bad dream week. I had one about watching my own funeral procession.

Been freaked out for a week now. Isn't it amazing how something as silly as a dream can unnerve you so badly? I certainly commiserate.

I love the part about the chicken leg, btw.

7:54 AM  
Blogger Purring said...

I almost stepped on a scorpion in Cancun once. Ew.

2:11 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

GWB - Wow, my dream is nothing compared to yours. Ouch!

Julia - Well, if I believe it has any meaning, it's not hard to tie it to stuff that's happening at work, sadly enough. :-/

Kari - I will be careful in Mexico, if I ever make it there (I'd like to).

4:15 PM  
Blogger Laura said...

Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar...

Strange dreams. I never remember mine. Between you and the Great White Bear, I'm starting to be thankful ;)

7:02 AM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Laura - Yeah, I'm interested in dream interpretation, especially when I have recurring dreams and they are specific. Most of the time, though, I don't remember what I've dreamt about.

10:29 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

We had a huge white scorpion in our living room once. I've never seen anything like it before. It was white, like an albino.

My dog was barking at it and the dog and the scorpion were in a Mexican stand-off for several minutes, before my Dad grabbed one of his shoes and splatted it.

It was gross. The splat was literally over two feet long.

As for your dream, I don't think the scorpions really mean anything as a symbol. I'll give it a go.

You have something in your life that is not in your control and you're depending on help from someone else. And it's really bothering you. The thing that bothers you is you want to be in complete control of your life, and you hate this feeling.

So the scorpions really are the thing you have no control of. The chicken was a temporary fix, but it was only a temporary fix. You still have the problem.

Your brothers represent you want your loved ones to help you, but you don't know how to communicate to them to ask for help. Or maybe you don't want to. I'm not sure about that part.

9:46 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

ZS - That's actually a pretty good interpretation of what's going on right now. I definitely hate not being in control of things in my life, and I usually don't ask for help just out of sheer stubbornness.

8:08 AM  

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