I'm sitting in a crowded bar with very high tables enjoying my margarita. I have taken great pains to get myself ready for this very special night - I'm wearing the tightest pants I own, black leather boots with the little fringy thingies, and my hair is a mile high, thanks to my friend Aqua Net. All of a sudden, the person I've been eagerly anticipating appears on stage - it's Prince in all his purple glory! All I can hear is the applause from the crowd as the lights dim and I see him grab the microphone. My body tenses in anticipation of what will come next. Very soft music accompanies his first words - "Blame it all on my roots, I showed up in boots and ruined your black tie affair....". I become even more excited as Prince is apparently doing a cover of Garth Brook's "Friends In Low Places". Most of the people in the place yell their "boos" as they quickly make their exit. This does not deter Prince, but instead brings his focus to the one person who is singing along with him while silently swaying her body to the music - me! He points his finger at me from beneath the pristine ruffles of his shirt cuff and sneers wickedly while singing the rest of the song to me. He ends the number by grinding his hips against the microphone stand, then throwing the mike to the ground, only to have it bounce up again into his waiting fist. Just as the stage lights fade to dark and Prince makes his way slowly off the stage and approaches me.....
I wake up and growl at the alarm clock. :-/
I thought only men had W D's, Its the non culmination part that is so disapointing, better luck next time.x.
Tee hee - it was just a dream. But nope, men aren't the only ones. :-P
Awww that was too cool. I totally love Prince and I love that song, too. Cool dream better than mine. I woke up freaking out because I thought I slept in on a final test about 3 weeks after graduation.
Ha ha! That's awesome.
Love Prince. And sure, he can do a Garth cover. It's not like everyone and their Grandma didn't do Prince covers.
I heard Tori Amos do an amazing rendition of Purple Rain and we all know Sinead O'Conner got her big break with a Prince cover.
By the way, I sang that song in Pier 39 in San Francisco. The tape is long gone now though. :(
I won't try to psychoanalyze this dream though. I think it's too obvious. ;)
Angelique - Ack! I don't have dreams like that, luckily. :-P
ZS - You sang "Friends in Low Places"? I wish I coulda heard that. :-P Yeah, no point in overanalyzing this dream of mine. What can I say? I love Prince - he's just a weird little man, and I dig it.
Ah, Prince. Five feet of talent.
Falt - at least he has that much talent. :-P
That's actually one of the few country songs that I like.
Prince may be weird, but he's HOT. I always LOVED the video for When Doves Cry.
Maybe I think he's so hot because he's got a body identical to L's? ;)
Fal, let's not dis the MN boy. ;)
TSHS - I know what you mean. I'm inexplicably attracted to him and he's not normally the type of person I'd be attracted to. Have you seen any of the Chappelle shows that feature skits with Prince? They are hilarious. :-P
Julia - Wonder what that was all about. By the way, I got a new laptop and ever since then (about a week), I've not been able to view your page. It keeps getting stuck and then I get an "error" message. If you know what I need to download, let me know. I miss "reading" you. :-)
Notta - Those Chapelle skits were hilarious. Imagine being skunked in b-ball by a 5'1" man. How utterly embarassing. to make it even worse, he was dressed as Mozart when he played. Double plus embarassing.
Julia - I'll have to ask H, because I don't have a clue either. :-/
ZS - My favorite parts were the "shirts vs. blouses" and the mannerisms that "prince" had. That's one of my favorite skits - I'm not too fond of a lot of the others (although the Oprah ones are pretty funny).
The thought of Prince doing Garth covers scares me.
It would scare me if Willie was singin "Raspberry Beret" too. somethings just aren't meant to be.
However, the Notta in tight leather jeans and boots part is pretty cool!
wow that sounds awesome lol
GWB - Ha, ha - it probably sounds better than it actually is. :-P I look back at pictures of me in the 80's (when I actually did wear tight jeans and big hair) and I laugh. What the hell was I thinking?
Christie - I must admit, that was one of my more pleasant dreams. ;-)
wait, wait! Chappelle show where he plays b-ball ! Omigod! I totally forgot abt that....I felt like Alice in Wonderland while reading your entry b/c I ( uhhh ) didn't know it was a dream...until the end. And I was wondering where the HELL you were that you got to see Prince preform so personally and so closely! I have see Prince twice in concert...what a sexy mother-f#@%er !
~d - I'm officially jealous that you got to see him in concert. :-P
DAMN! you had me going for a minute there!;-)
jersey - ha, ha. :-P Thanks for stopping by.
1984, it was the Purple Rain tour. We all ( duh! ) wore purple ! It was held in the New Orleans Superdome.
Umm, 1997 or 1998 ( memory failing me ) at the University of New Orleans Lakefront Arena. A much smaller crowd: I was also much older, hence bolder and went where I shouldnt have gone just to see that Sexy Mo-Fo as close as possible...
Did you get arrested, D? I've never been that bold...
nope not even kicked out...THAT time. Don't ask me abt The Cure concert in 1987...(coff-coff!)
I'm sorry I missed this the first time. It's fantastic!
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