If I Lived In South Park....

... I would get to say what I really think, including swear words, without repercussion
... My hair would look as good as it does in the picture above
... I would steal Mr. Garrison's lunch out of the fridge just for spite
... I would make up bullshit assignments and my students would have to do them
... I would have a personal assistant to do my bidding
... My pet potbelly pig would be allowed to come with me to work
... Changing my clothes each day would be as easy as creating the image above
... I might be sent to Mr. Mackey for an "attitude adjustment"
... The "classroom helpers" list would consist of things like "clean up after teacher's pig" and "run and fetch teacher's 'special elixir of life'"
P.S. Thank you to Sadie and Laura for helping me "recreate" my SouthPark self
South Park Character Creator
LOL... That is a great post! Speaking of which, it has to be 5 o'clock somewhere, think I'll go to the fridge and get a "magic elixer of life"!
GWB - Sounds good - I had some of that last night after creating this post. :-P
Hee! That's great. I love the drink in your hand. Classic.
You make me feel like a slacker - you made up a little story to go with yours.
I didn't know you had a pot-bellied pig. heehee
Yeah Laura, then I wouldn't have had to ask you about the teddy bear. ;)
Laura - I was "in the moment", so I just went with it. :-P
Julia - I figured that a pot-bellied pig pet would be in place of the finger puppet.
TSHS - I don't have one in real life, but if I lived in South Park, I'd need something weird to be as trashy as they are. ;-)
I can be your Mrs. Chokesondick. When I get ready for bed...ummm, in my nightgown I look like...uhhh, nevermind.
~d - Funny you should mention - when I was talking about an assistant, I thought it was only fair since Garrison had Mr. Slave. But was he allowed in the classroom? I can't remember... :-P Have you created your "South Park self" yet?
Fal - Glad you enjoyed it. :-P
Notta: didnt know it was POSSIBLE to create my own South Park self...( TIMMY! )
How do you do it?
~d - I just updated my blog with the South Park creator - just clicky on the link. :-)
i made me and I love me...but BOO HOO I don't know how to get my south park self into my blog. so, as much as I wanna be like YOU!...I haveta be like me.
THANK you for the link, though. I had a great time creating her.
I would get to say what I really think, including swear words, without repercussion
My dream.
I would make up bullshit assignments and my students would have to do them
Hee hee (he says with a devilish grin).
I might be sent to Mr. Mackey for an "attitude adjustment"
I'm surprised I haven't had to watch H.R.'s videotapes yet.
The "classroom helpers" list would consist of things like "clean up after teacher's pig" and "run and fetch teacher's 'special elixir of life'"
Ha ha. Do you really have a pet potbelly pig? I knew a girl in high school who had one and she swore they're smarter than dogs. I never went to her house or anything, so I wouldn't know.
ZS - I think saying whatever's on one's mind is what most people would like to do. You mean to tell me you've not been indoctrinated with your company's policies yet? What are they doing - picking their noses? And, no, I don't really have a pot-bellied pig, but I'd have one in South Park to take the place of the finger puppets. :-P
lol. id want to be the guy who alwyz gets murdered. wts his name?
Potbelly Pig Day. It has a nice ring to it.
icy - that would be Kenny. :-P
kari - I think I get a point for originality, right? ;-)
OMIGOD! That is so funny and you look so cute! I think that you need a Mr. Hat or something. I am definitely going to have to try that out. I have a feeling I would end up looking like the bus driver and yell, "Sit Down!" alot.
Angelique - H thought it was very cute and I pointed out how closely it resembles me. :-P
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