It's Like Google Can Read My Mind
So H sent me an invite some time back to try "gmail" by Google. After having the benefits explained to me about this new fangled email system, I decided to give it a go. I've had no complaints so far because very few people have this email, so I don't receive junk mail on it. However, it has an interesting feature that seems to be based on words or phrases in my emails - both sent and received. Along the right side of the page are advertisements similar to Amazon's "if you liked this book, you might also like...." ads. Normally, I don't pay too much attention and have never clicked on the ads... until recently (out of sheer curiosity). According to Google, I may be interested in this:
This is a "pink slip voodoo doll" that is apparently in cubicles everywhere in order to avoid pink slip layoffs. They are unique and infused with high energy, and I can be the proud owner of one for only $24.95.
I am also encouraged to participate in a vote to see who is more talented - Radiohead versus The Flaming Lips. I could win this!!! After I get done voting, I can check out the membership to the CWA, which is a "working families" Union. This is because I don't pay enough frickin' dues through the National Education Association and affiliated California Teacher's Association, only to receive so little in return. To make sure that I laugh, instead of cry, when getting screwed by union dues, Google made sure to recommend this site, which I've never heard of before. I did see one thing on the website that captured my interest, because now that I'm an adult, I have all the free time in the world to make crank calls along the order of the Jerky Boys. What ever happened to them?
All of this leads me to wonder if Google really CAN read my mind...

I am also encouraged to participate in a vote to see who is more talented - Radiohead versus The Flaming Lips. I could win this!!! After I get done voting, I can check out the membership to the CWA, which is a "working families" Union. This is because I don't pay enough frickin' dues through the National Education Association and affiliated California Teacher's Association, only to receive so little in return. To make sure that I laugh, instead of cry, when getting screwed by union dues, Google made sure to recommend this site, which I've never heard of before. I did see one thing on the website that captured my interest, because now that I'm an adult, I have all the free time in the world to make crank calls along the order of the Jerky Boys. What ever happened to them?
All of this leads me to wonder if Google really CAN read my mind...
At least gmail is recommending stuff that is not related to porn or online pharmacies. That vodoo doll scares me and I am sure some bosses, too. I don't know if Google can read minds but they probably have some great spyware.
Angelique - Yeah, it got me wondering what exactly they have to know what to target. As far as not having to look at ads to "increase my penis size", which is what I deal with with my hotmail account, I can deal with gmail ads. They are pretty tame in comparison and tend to amuse me rather than irritate me.
When I started my blog, I got an online mailbox. Gmail wasn't up and running yet, so I got the biggest box I could find, which was at gawab. I later found out that gawab comes out of Saudi Arabia. I can even translate my emails into Arabic.
My daughter says that Homeland Security is probably keeping an eye on me now. LOL. I've NEVER had any spam emails on my gawab account.
TSHS - You know, I never think about being spied on because it usually doesn't occur to me. I guess I'm too naive about some things, but I start getting a clue when I pay attention to anything related to gmail, since I don't use it for "junk". I bet the government is watching you - you are such a trouble maker. :-P
Hi Notta
You had asked an important question on my site ( a while back which I just saw recently.
Although I can not comment on specific cases without examining the patients I can say in general that a family history of heart disease in parents in their 50's is a significant risk factor. It may require more aggressive management in addition to lifestyle changes. The recommendations depend on other factors such as patient's age, blood pressure, weight, etc.
I will try to do a blog on this question soon, but meanwhile please address this issue with your doctor if you have not already done so.
It is nice to meet you by blog :)
Dr. Razavi - Thanks for your reply. I pretty much figured that, but I'll have to look up "aggressive management" so that I can keep myself as healthy as possible. I look forward to seeing your blog entry about it. Nice to meet you too!
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