My good friend has a little boy who turned 1 in May, and has graciously offered to lend H and me a ton of baby items and clothes. So I was picking through the clothing and found this little newborn shirt. I put it next to the remote to show how tiny it is (our remote isn't huge - it's a normal sized remote). I had forgotten that little babies come this size, although the new sensations in my belly have reminded me that he's growing. Pretty true to the sources I've read, it feels like popcorn popping in my tummy (and on my bladder). Luckily, Jellybean doesn't kick me all the time - he's pretty quiet during the day, but starts getting active the minute I lie down to go to sleep.
In other news, my business partner and I found and reserved "virtual office" space to start in September. That means we have a lot of work to do between now and then. We filed to protect the business name we want to use and are waiting on approval before we apply for state and city business licenses. After that, we're pretty much a go. I'm scared, but excited. This will be quite the learning process.
Popcorn popping? Um.. eek.
LOL - It's hard to describe it as anything else. Sorry if that ruined popcorn for ya. :-P
Laura if you dont have kids you will have a hard time with the image of a baby kicking inside. I have two of them and it was interesting both times.
Notta I am half way done with his blanket and I am just excited about it. You know its been three years and I will see a new born at the store and just forget how tiny they are. Its amazing how small they are at birth and then how fast they grow up.
You are doing a great job with your business. I am glad there are people like you out there. Otherwise some kids I dont think would have a chance. Well catch you later.
Tweety - Sounds like the blanket is going well. I'm knitting one too and I'll be excited to have it done.
My friend just had her baby and it was very early (he's 3 lbs), and I've never seen one that small. His little wrist was not any thicker than the widest part of my index finger. I would be so afraid to hold him, but my friend is amazing with him.
Thanks for the well wishes on my business. I have figured out, by way of contracting, that I enjoy my job much more when I have control over my schedule and clients. I have turned down only one client because the parent was very rude and pushy with me. I won't be able to do that with my business like I was able to do with contracting, but I'm not about to put up with an extreme amount of b.s. I've already had my fill in the schools (where you don't have a choice). It's a different feel, though, when you're a private SLP. There is such a distrust of schools so that I notice even my "high maintenance" parents I work with now treat me differently than the ones I worked with in the school system. It's hard because I'm still the same person and I'm no better of an SLP privately than I was in the schools. It's been an eye opener.
Tweety... Yeah. I have a few friends with kids and every time, I find it creepy. One told me a story of a foot getting stuck in her ribcage... EAAGH. Another friend agreed with me that it's an odd feeling to basically be a host for another living thing - almost like a parasite. Which, technically it is in many ways... it's all kinda like Aliens to me ;)
Great luck with the business! Yes, make sure you get all that stuff out of the way.
And as you already know from the first time, baby clothes are expensive. I wish we still had some we could give you, but we gave everything away years ago.
ZS - Thanks for the well wishes. Luckily, between our friends and family, I don't think we'll have to buy much.
This is so cool--a "virtual office" and all!!!
Michael - A virtual office is a new concept for me, but it's a lot cheaper than a traditional office. You pretty much don't have a designated "space", but call in when you need office room. Our business calls get forwarded to one phone number and message service, which we can access from anywhere. We can also get mail there and the place has a central receptionist. It's a pretty good idea, so it will be interesting how it works out for us.
Aw! It is amazing how teeny we all start out...I always marvel at baby shoes, which look like thumbwarmers.
SME - I'm amazed too. I love looking at their fingers. So tiny and perfect. :-P From the kicks I've been getting, I'd never guess his feet are small.
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