Jellybean was born on Wednesday night at 10:39 p.m. after about 6 hours of labor (more details later, not for the faint at heart). He weighed in at 6 pounds, 4 ounces, and his length was 19 and a half inches. He is a very healthy little guy. Right now, he sleeps most of the time, mixed with some nursing, pooping, and a small amount of crying. I thought he would be fussier, but I'll cross my fingers that he stays this easy-going. Only time will tell. Not sure when I'll have another update - I'm pretty much concerning myself with our little guy and enjoying time with him. Thank you to everyone for the well-wishes!
grin, hugs, hugs! even tho i got the pics by email i keep checking back to learn more.
hate to remind ya but u hardly ever know if you've got a fussy one or not until they're at least a week or 2 old. but i'm sending you happy baby vibes. :-)
he is sooooo cute!!!! and i'm waiting for the whole labor story. 6 hours, a quickie like mine w/ Pebbles! and i know how intense those quickies can be.
Oh he is adorable. I wish I were there to help cuddle him now.. LOL.. Take care of him and I will finish his blanket this week and have it out on Monday. Take care of him and give him a snuggle for me and a gentle kiss.
Carrie - I keep waiting to see how he'll change. He is only just beginning to be alert a little longer - usually during his early morning feeding. For right now, though, I'm just enjoying him. Now that I'm getting more sleep, I'll be able to take some more pics! Thank you for your positive thoughts - talk to you soon!
Tweety - Thank you for your well-wishes! Believe me, he is getting a ton of cuddling and kisses - I can't help myself!
Does it get cold where you are? Just wondering. No I wont send no snow suit but I want to send one more thing with his blanket when I mail it on Monday. I am just finishing up on Zombie's big blanket him and Mrs Z asked if I would make. So I am doing that and then finishing up on baby's blanket. What is his name??? You can e-mail me and tell me. He is so precious though.
Congratulations! He is beautiful, and even from these two photos, I can see how he has a little of each of you in his face.
Good luck with sleeping and nursing, and enjoy all that new baby snuggling...ah, the smell of their warm little heads...
Congrats!! He's beautiful. I am pregnant now too, and impressed that you got through the delivery part; I've never done this before. Awaiting details!
You already know how fast they grow, so ENJOY.
I love early babyhood; you put them someplace and they stay there.
Tweety - No, it really doesn't get cold here. During the day recently, it's been in the mid-50's to low 60's. I'll email you in a bit - I'm trying to keep up with everything and having a hard time.
Kori - Thanks! I think he has H's eyes and nose, and my mouth and chin. But babies' looks can change, so we'll see. :-)
Bearette - Congrats to you!!! How exciting!! You'll do just fine - just enjoy your free time now while you still have it. That's the best advice I can give you. :-)
TSHS - I think he's beautiful too, but of course, I'm partial. :-P I forgot what it was like to have a little one around. I forgot how simple things are.
HOW PRECIOUS!!!!!!!!!! :D)))
Michael - Thanks! He's a big hit around here. :-)
Wow! Congratulations!
I guess I haven't been to your blog in 2 weeks and missed it.
By the way, Merry Christmas to you and yours! :)
ZS - Thanks! Hope you had a good holiday!!
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