The Home Stretch
I'm 35 weeks along in my pregnancy and I feel like I'm on the home stretch. This time is a bit different, though. Unlike my first pregnancy, I'm not anxious to have the baby out ASAP. Of course, that could have something to do with the fact that I can still get out and do things, and because I still have projects to complete. With K, we had the worst winter in Spokane since the 1960's - the snow was piled so high in the middle of the streets that you could not see oncoming traffic. I was pretty much confined to the house, which drove me mad. Add to that that I'd pretty much gotten everything set up early on, so I didn't have a lot to do the last month.
Physically, I'm tired a lot, but then I have trouble sleeping. I can no longer put on my own socks, and I have to wear shoes that slip on pretty easily. My belly button (previously a deep innie) is now halfway an outie. I cry during television shows that don't normally stir up emotion for me, like Good Morning America. This is in stark contrast to episodes where I become extremely pissed off and curse a blue streak because of something really minor, like when Safeway gave me a bag with a rip in it and my olive oil dropped out of the sack and broke in my garage.
It's a good thing work has slowed down. My patience has become a bit thin dealing with my more difficult students. My goal is to work until the end of November, which would give me about a week and a half before my due date to relax. We'll see how long I last. We just finished our last night of childbirth preparation classes, which is a relief. Neither H nor I do well with paying attention for learning after the dinner hour, but the class was helpful. Now we have to complete the birth plan, tour the hospital, and pre-register. In the meantime, I've been trying to find recipes that I can double so that I can freeze part of it so we won't have to cook so much right after Jellybean arrives.
More later....
Physically, I'm tired a lot, but then I have trouble sleeping. I can no longer put on my own socks, and I have to wear shoes that slip on pretty easily. My belly button (previously a deep innie) is now halfway an outie. I cry during television shows that don't normally stir up emotion for me, like Good Morning America. This is in stark contrast to episodes where I become extremely pissed off and curse a blue streak because of something really minor, like when Safeway gave me a bag with a rip in it and my olive oil dropped out of the sack and broke in my garage.
It's a good thing work has slowed down. My patience has become a bit thin dealing with my more difficult students. My goal is to work until the end of November, which would give me about a week and a half before my due date to relax. We'll see how long I last. We just finished our last night of childbirth preparation classes, which is a relief. Neither H nor I do well with paying attention for learning after the dinner hour, but the class was helpful. Now we have to complete the birth plan, tour the hospital, and pre-register. In the meantime, I've been trying to find recipes that I can double so that I can freeze part of it so we won't have to cook so much right after Jellybean arrives.
More later....
I have to admit I was in more of a rush to have Bri than I was Kora. Bri is my younger one. She kept laying on certain nerves and it hurt so I wanted to get her out far worse than I wanted Kora out. But glad to hear everything is good. Thanks for the updates though..
Tweety - Well, it's not exactly comfortable having Jellybean in there right now. I'm sleep deprived and cranky, but at least I'm not working full time. That makes a big difference. Things are going as well as could be expected. Thanks :-)
Do what I do. Cook too much, and you have leftovers. No recipe needed.
ZS - I've been doing that, but I need to do more of it. I've been so conditioned to only cooking for two - it's hard to adjust. :-)
thought i'd pop over to say hi.
i enjoyed being preggers both times in my life and i'm a little bit sad i'll never be in the baby way again. ahhh, enjoy every bump in the oven and wiggle in the womb, even if it is uncomfortable.
McKay - Thanks for visiting. You know, I've had pretty easy pregnancies, although my first one was with less unpleasantness. This time around, I've had to deal with heartburn and morning sickness in the beginning. But I still can't complain too much. :-)
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