Sunday, February 10, 2008


That is a word I thought would not be back in my vocabulary for a long time, at least until Jellybean enters kindergarten. However, because my mom is here visiting and helping out, H and I were able to go to OSH and get some storage bins and racks for our garage and one of our closets. This may not seem exciting to anyone else, but you must remember that this is the first time we've been out as a couple (w/o baby) since Jellybean came onto the scene. Now, H and I need to just dig in and get rid of that "where to we start??" feeling and tackle it one pile at a time. Here's to organization!!!


Blogger tshsmom said...

Starting is half the battle! Good luck!
We're still struggling with Z's room. Driver's Ed has thrown our schedule off-kilter and progress has stopped. :(

9:45 AM  
Blogger Carrie said...

I hear you. I actually think our very first no-Pebbles trip was to Menards (Midwest version of OSH)!

I've found that with little children in the house, organization is simultaneously so much more important and so much more difficult to achieve. Really, getting anything done to improve or maintain your environment becomes more important and more difficult.

5:37 PM  
Blogger tweetey30 said...

I remember those first no kid days. It felt weird about leaving them and then coming home and checking the back seat to make sure we hadnt left them in the car. A couple of times Jeff had locked the car before I could get Bri's carseat out of the car. He forgot about her.. He was so used to having just Kora.

8:15 AM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

TSHS - I thought of you when I wrote this. You're the organization person of your household and I figured that you could whip us into shape. You'd have quite a business going - providing services to help people get organized. :-P

Carrie - I feel overwhelmed at times because I spend time organizing papers and then it doesn't take long before I have to do it all over again. Now Jellybean will sit in his little vibrating seat for short periods, so it's easier to get stuff done a little bit at a time. Isn't it funny how our version of "alone" time or "date" time changes after kids? :-P

Tweety - I had that feeling right after Jellybean was born. About one week after I had him, my mom and I went to the mall to get a few things and I had what felt like a panic attack.

I know about forgetting things. I don't forget about Jellybean, but I've left the house without my wallet or without the diaper bag. It's hard to remember everything.

8:43 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

I love OSH. I think their customer service is excellent and their stores are organized very well.

Good luck with your organizing. And try to spend some time together as a couple, even if it's just walks.

9:17 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

I'm toasting you with my morning coffee: "CHEERS TO TWO LEFT FEET"S ORGANIZATION GOING WELL!"

9:11 AM  
Blogger begins with v said...

good for you!!! Here's to many more outings!

12:58 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

ZS - I'll go to OSH any day over Home Depot or Lowes. I actually get help when I go to OSH. As far as making time w/o baby, H and I were able to go to dinner the other night to celebrate an early Valentine's Day. I didn't realize how much I missed being able to just spend a little time with him on our own.

Michael - Thanks! We're off to a good start!!

Slade - I know you can relate. :-)

6:22 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

On the contrary, I tackled two closets and now I'm Super-Organized with more space. Also dropped off a sack of books at The Goodwill Store!!

6:12 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Our next project is calling 1800 Got JUNK and making a Goodwill run. :-)

7:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh, I hate Home Depot. It's funny, I was talking to my cousin about how much I hated the customer service at Home Depot and she said she has had their workers actually fake like they were busy when she was carrying boards.

I refuse to shop at Home Depot. They suck. Osh on the other hand has wonderful customer service.

10:33 PM  

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