Friday, March 07, 2008

I Have a Grandma Purse, and Other Happenings

This is a picture of my purse. I don't think it's a horrible purse - it's pretty functional. I hate big purses, ones with lots of shit on them, like glitter, sequins, or feathers, or ones that are so tiny that I might as well not have a purse at all. Last week, I was working with a group of third grade girls who made this observation when they saw my bag: "Your purse looks just like my grandma's!" Out of the mouth of young girls who are way more hip than me. I really didn't think I was THAT out of style, but apparently I've been neglecting my appearance in more ways than just continuing to wear my maternity shirts (hey, they're comfortable!), not bothering to mask the dark circles under my eyes, or putting off that haircut that I needed 6 weeks ago.

It does not help that I've reached a certain milestone that was a harsh reminder that I'm aging - I got my first gray hair! At first, I thought it may have just been leftover highlights, but when I yanked it out, it was definitely whitish-gray and wiry. Decision time - do I just accept defeat and wait for more gray or do I start coloring my hair? Not sure what I want to do yet.

In other news, work is crazy. Conferences are coming up and teachers and parents are freaking out about their students. Most of the time I'm pretty understanding, but I have a hard time with the teachers and parents who insist that if their child does not do x, y, and z by a certain point in the year, they must have either a speech/language delay or a learning disability. Never mind the fact that some of our students who are "at risk for retention" have only been speaking English for a year, or at home they receive no stimulation besides the tv or video games, or their attendance has been spotty and they've missed important instruction. It's the same thing each year, which leaves me shaking my head at times and wondering what in the hell happened to parents taking some personal responsibility for the education of their children. Granted, there are many children out there who need more help than what they're getting, but when I rant, I'm not talking about the kids who attend school on a regular basis, have involved parents, and who still are not making progress in school. There's a big difference. All in all, working in the schools again, even just as a private contractor, is a big reminder of why I like early intervention so much.

Jellybean is now three months old and is growing and learning new things daily, it seems. Everywhere I go, people come up to me and want to touch Jellybean. It probably doesn't hurt that he's entering the most enjoyable phase, where he's not old enough to say inappropriate things or run off, and he smiles and flirts with almost everyone. At the end of the month, he'll take his first plane trip to Spokane to see my family, which is exciting and daunting at the same time. I'm going to have to get myself more organized if I'm going to pull this off with as little pain as possible.

Lastly, I may have a long-standing dream of mine fulfilled at some point in the not-so-distant future. I've always wanted to be on The Price Is Right, and my sister-in-law says she may be able to snag some tickets. I didn't think I'd like the transition from Bob Barker to Drew Carey, but I have to say that I've been pretty impressed with what I've seen so far. Drew is not cranky with the contestants, he inserts amusing anecdotes, and generally keeps the show moving at a pretty good pace. Since I've decided that Drew is an acceptable host, my desire to be on the show has not waned. My challenge is going to be working up enthusiasm outwardly so that if I go to the show, they will pick me to be in the audience. I better start practicing now!


Blogger Carrie said...

The Price Is Right! That's awesome! I love game shows too, and dream of being on Who Wants to Be a Millionaire.

Air travel with the baby is really not bad. People are usually so nice -- I have run into lots of moms traveling on business without their kids, or grandparents, and they always lend a hand. You can push a stroller all the way to the jetway, and I usually use that stroller to carry everything BUT the baby, who will be instead in a backpack or front pack.

6:37 PM  
Blogger tweetey30 said...

You sound like you have your hands full at work. I was wondering what Jelly Bean was up to the last time I came through. I am always checking for new photo's of the little guy. I cant beleive how much he has changed. He is so cute. How does JB like his stroller? I know both my girls loved to get out and walk. Well Kora not so much because she was a winter baby but Bri on the other hand loved it. And still does for that matter.

9:14 AM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Hey Carrie - Jeez, you have high aspirations. I could never be on "Millionaire" - I know I'd choke. :-P

I was going to ask you about air travel. I'm glad you've found it to be not too bad of an experience. I wondered about his stroller, because we basically can't go anywhere without it. It would just be too difficult.

Tweety- Jellybean is just starting to roll from his back to his right side. He also is understanding that he needs to hit the "hypno-star" on his play gym in order for it to play music. Jellybean is okay in the stroller, but he loves the front pack and to face out. He really enjoys looking at new people and things. :-)

8:31 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I knew someone when I was in college who got on the Price Is Right. Good luck! I hope you get a NEW CAR! (I just googled Rod Roddy and found out that he died, so I guess the announcing isn't the same, is it?)

I'm not sure that I could ever teach in the K-12 level because of the whole parent factor. I mean, I practically turned down a job at a private college because the parents were too involved there. It's such a catch-22 because on the one hand, parents don't want to take any responsibility and expect teachers to teach their kids everything under the sun; on the other hand, when teachers try to teach something like sex education or expose them to certain book, suddenly the parents are irate. I can't deal with that.

5:02 AM  
Blogger tweetey30 said...

I never had one of those packs for the girls. I borrowed one once froma friend but I couldnt figure out how to use it so we just used the stroller for our trip we took.

7:41 AM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Kit - There are always trade-offs no matter which part of the population we teach. It's partly a matter of what a person gets used to. When K was little, I wanted to be in the schools to have the same schedule as him. I just kind of stayed there until we didn't need daycare anymore.

Tweety - Either way, it's just nice to get out and not be stuck inside the house. :-)

8:04 AM  
Blogger The Zombieslayer said...

With a purse, practicality is more important than looks. Yes, it does look like a Grandma's purse but so what if it's functional.

It's the same thing each year, which leaves me shaking my head at times and wondering what in the hell happened to parents taking some personal responsibility for the education of their children.

Good question. I was wondering the same thing. I want to strangle a lot of parents today.

Jellybean looks healthy. I don't know much about babies, but he's healthy looking.

I wanted to actually be on Jeopardy. I tried once, but was too far out of the radius. If you go to, you can actually look through all the qualifications. They have them posted.

Of course you couldn't be you're in NoCal. You have to live close by the studio.

9:52 PM  
Blogger tshsmom said...

When you have a baby, a sturdy, roomy purse is a necessity. Who cares what it looks like as long as there's room for a bottle and a diaper? ;)

Jellybean is changing so fast! What a beautiful, happy boy! His hands are a blur of activity, and will be for quite some time.

4:55 AM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Baby is SO CUTE!!! Hey, you blog about your purse, I blogged about my alarm clock. Small world, eh?

Strollers today are like Cadillacs with shock absorbers and cushy seats. When I was a tot, they were all metal and no springs. So, you wound up going down the sidewalk hitting every pot hole there was!!!:D

1:37 PM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

ZS - I'll be going shopping soon for a new purse. Jeopardy would be really hard. I know enough about certain things, but I don't have enough general knowledge that you'd need.

TSHS - Jellybean is moving more and more. He's now rolling from his back to his right side, and he's figured out how to make some of his toys work. It's fun to watch him!

Michael - Thanks. I'm kind of partial to him. I can't believe how much strollers have changed just in the past 15 years. I never had one that fit a car seat, which is just very convenient.

8:49 PM  
Blogger begins with v said...

Oh my gosh, he is adorable!!!! How sweet!!!

11:14 AM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Slade - Thanks! I've been keeping up with Slade Alexander. I can't believe how much he's grown in such a short time. Time flies too quickly. :-/

1:04 PM  
Blogger Tracy said...

Okay... so I have many, many, too many purses/handbags/clutches whatever. And shoes. But that's another story.
But my favorites are the ones I got at They are made from recycled things... the one I got made out of magazines gets the most attention when I carry it. AND they plant a tree every time you buy a bag.
Just thought I'd throw that out there. You know, in case you want to impress the kiddos with a non-grandma bag...

10:46 AM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Tracy - Thanks for the tip! I'm aiming to get a new purse, but it's not the highest priority. I've recently taken to just carrying my wallet or just packing the stuff I need in the diaper bag.

8:40 AM  
Blogger S.M. Elliott said...

Aw, Jellybean's becoming a handsome little man!

The purse thing made me chuckle, 'cause while we were on vacation Richard wanted to buy a teeny-tiny embroidered purse for his mom. His daughter-in-law and I had to explain to him that the size of a woman's purse increases proportionately with her age; by age 80, many women have purses larger than they are. My own purse-shopping criteria has passed far beyond "Is it cute?" to "Is it waterproof?" and things like that. I see girls bouncing around with wee handbags and wonder, "What can she possibly carry in there? A tampon and half a stick of gum?!"

8:48 AM  

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