Table Runner

Table Runner

This is the table runner that I made for my grandma. It is the first project I've officially finished with my sewing machine. I even got brave enough to try the embroidery stitches on my machine - no broken needles or ruined project! Okay, now to finish those damn placemats.... if it's the last thing I do!
It's very pretty, Notta. I have a sewing machine too but I have only made cat mats for the shelter. Everytime I try to do something fancy with that damn machine it jamms up and it takes 15 minutes to get out all of the cloth it chewed up.
Very cool. My mother used to sew, and a sewing machine is on the queue to buy my wife. I'll probably buy her one for her b-day.
Angel - that's what I was afraid would happen, it's why I was putting off finishing that project. :-P
ZS - Your wife would like that - I'm very happy with my purchase.
Great job. My sister did the very same runner her first time out. I just wing patterns. Of course mine are never this lovely.
Kari - I actually had to use a pattern - even though I've known how to sew for years, I never learned to "wing it". :-P
Da dog - I don't know if you're serious or just being mister smarty pants. :-P
Your Grandma will LOVE it!!
Jamming the thread is WAY worse than breaking a needle.
Thanks, TSHS - I'm sure grandma will like it - she likes flowery stuff. That's true about jamming the thread - I HATE when that happens.
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