Friday, May 30, 2008

Product Review: Wii Fit

Because of H's sister, we were able to get our hands on a Wii Fit. As expected, you can't find them anywhere in our area, and the store personnel do not have much information on how to get one. I hope it's not going to be like the Wii console and take over a year-and-a-half to actually have them available.

Okay, enough griping. Before we even got the game, we had heard that it's not very forgiving with respect to weight and BMI, and that the exercises are difficult. Those things are true, but I don't really care. I just got finished with 20 minutes of exercising for the evening, which is time I might have normally spent sitting on my ass either watching TV or surfing the web. No, I cannot do the exercises perfectly, but I don't think that's the expectation. The exercises are split up into four different categories: yoga, strength, aerobics, and balance. Before beginning, you step on the balance board and get weighed and such, and your Mii profile changes accordingly. Sadly, now my Mii has a belly. Hey, I'm just glad they didn't make my Mii butt huge. After getting weighed, you can develop some fitness goals for yourself, then you begin exercising. Even if you're out of shape, like myself, there is at least a few exercises that a person can do. The Wii keeps track of your performance on tasks and graphs progress over time, which is nice to see. Also, as you put in more time, then you unlock more activities in each category so that you don't become bored with the few that you start out with.

My initial impression is that I like this game. At least it's a game that you do while not being sedentary. I think that, in order to reach my personal fitness goals, I still need to do more walking outdoors, and then use Wii Fit in addition to that. If you're already fit, then this is something you can do to change up your workout routine a bit. Also, because more than one Mii's information gets stored, if you're competitive, you can see where your scores rank as compared to other Miis. The downsides are, as mentioned before, it's not very forgiving on weight/BMI, some exercises are difficult, you start out with only a few exercises before unlocking more, and the availability of the Wii Fit is not great yet.

Overall, I'd give Wii Fit 8 out of 10 dancing feet. It's a fun and motivating way to get off your rump!


Blogger Unknown said...

Sounds interesting. We all need a good reason to stay motivated!

10:26 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

The Targets down here get shipments on Sundays so if you go Sunday Morning its easier to get. :) My Mii has a belly too. :(

12:25 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

This comment has been removed by the author.

12:25 AM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Michael - It is pretty interesting. Sometimes it helps to have something new to do.

Ali - No such luck with our Target near us. The guy said that when they do get shipments, they only get a few Fits, which are gone. People are apparently lining up here.

6:18 AM  
Blogger tshsmom said...

I don't know...I pulled a groin muscle the first time I bowled on Wii. ;)

10:16 AM  
Blogger tweetey30 said...

Sounds interesting really. Havent heard of it until you mentioned it here.

8:50 AM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

TSHS - I had similar problems with the Wii baseball - I strained the side of my stomach from twisting too hard. The Wii Fit has not caused me any sort of pain.

Tweety - You, your hubby, and girls might like the Wii. We have different game consoles, and I'm finding that the Wii has the most "family friendly" games as compared to other systems. And it's not as expensive.

9:15 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like the idea of video game that doesn't promote a sedentary lifestyle, but I wish that people would exercise regardless of whether or not Nintendo made it. In other words, I'm glad people who would normally be on their butts playing a video game are now exercising, but to me, part of exercising is about getting away from the television and the things that tend to make us unfit. Nonetheless, I've considered buying it :)

5:49 AM  
Blogger Notta Wallflower said...

Kit- It's pretty fun. I think you would like it. :-)

8:15 PM  

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