Happy Six Month Birthday, Jellybean!
Hey big guy! You're half of year old now. You sit up, but you're a bit wobbly yet. The silliest things make you laugh, like Dada's snoring, Grandma clapping her hands, and when Mama says "saucy" to you in a whisper voice. You have learned to roll over both ways, but you don't like to because you get stuck on your tummy. Your hair was coming in weird, so we've already had to give you a haircut. Mama remembered to save a lock of it for when I finally get around to getting a baby book for you. You love it when Mama sings "Itsy Bitsy Spider" and does the hand movements. You continue to hate having your boogers sucked out of your nose with the syringe. It will be nice when you learn to blow your nose. You're grabbing everything - Dada's glasses, Mama's hair, and now you're eyeing our remote controls. Time to start baby-proofing! You love to smile at everyone, and people love you for that. Your Dada and I can't wait to see what the next 6 months brings!
Wow congrats on Six months little guy. He is amazing Notta. So cute. Again I wish I was there to cuddle and hold him just looking at him. Kora was amazed at how much he has changed. She had some idea who it was but asked anyway if it was JB.
Happy 6 Month Birthday to the little guy!
Oh, my goodness, is he gorgeous. What a sweet post for a sweet little boy. :)
Tweety - Thanks! He's changed so much. It doesn't seem possible.
Insomniac - Hope to see you soon so he can impress his Auntie with what he has learned. :-)
Kori - Thanks! We sure have a lot of fun with him. I don't have to tell you how quickly time goes by.
omg! such a big boy now! so cuuuuute!
Hooray for Jellybean! He's SO cute! Happy 6 months, CutiePants!
Congrats on 6 mos!
He has a look like he's going to grow up to be a very intelligent kid.
Carrie - He's changed so much since you guys visited. He's almost 18 pounds and just about 27" long. I think he will get his size from my family. :-P
Bert - Thanks! Long time.. hope things are going well for you and your hubby!
ZS - You should see how Jellybean focuses on things. I read to him every day, and about 2 months ago, he started turning pages in his books. Now he does it every time I read to him. He's a very quick learner. I wish I could know what is happening inside his brain.
Such a sweet, beautiful boy!
What a bittersweet time of life! We're ecstatic to see our baby's minds and bodies growing so well, yet we're saddened by the loss of their babyhood.
You'd better get cracking on that baby-proofing! By the time he was 7 months, Z was pulling himself up and getting into everything. ;)
TSHS - Thanks! Yeah, believe me, no one knows better than I do how quickly the time flies. I think that's what I really am enjoying this time - just taking the time to embrace Jellybean's babyhood. I definitely did not do that with K, which I regret.
How is his blanket holding up I made him? I hope he still likes it. He so cute.
Hi Tweety - We have your blanket on our couch at all times. We use it for Jellybean, but also my husband uses it quite a bit to cover up with while watching TV.
Happy half-birthday, JB! What a smart, handsome little man.
SME and Michael - Thanks!
our boys are exactly 6 months apart! Slade just turned one...it flies by doesn't it???
Slade - It's going by too quickly. I look at pictures and video from when we first brought him home and he doesn't even seem like the same baby. I have to soak this up while he's this age. :-)
I love stopping by and looking at him. How does his big brother feel about him? I bet he just loves him now that he's here when he see's him.
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