This is what I was told by a second grade student of mine as I was doing a lesson on associations and describing. His task was to look at the picture of the card I gave him (a mother chicken), scan the pictures that were scattered on my table, and find the picture that "goes with" the one he had. He quickly picked up the picture of the "chick" and informed me that "Miss Jen, I know where babies come from". Just like I usually do when any subject like this comes up, I became very silent and waited for further embellishment. "Babies don't come from storks.... they come from.... New Jersey", he informed me. My reply? "Well, some of them come from New Jersey... but that's a discussion for another day".
Kit, I've gone with that line of questioning before and it usually leads me to places I don't want to be - talking about things that only parents should talk to their kids about. :-P
That is too funny. If all babies came from New Jersey we'd need a lot more hairspray in the world... ;P
I'm afraid I've never been to New Jersey, so I'll have to take your word on it about the hairspray. :-P
Julia - she pahks the cah in the yahd? (an old joke about dialect from "Jaws"). :-P
You should check out Scottish Rite - it's affiliated with the Masons. Kids with communication delays can qualify for free services between the ages of 2 through 7. :-) Also, when she's three (is she yet?), you can request an evaluation through the school district.
I'm glad I'm not the only one who makes that joke, but it certainly shows my age. :-P
Kids can be so funny, yet serious. They interpret everything to fit their limited life experiences. The results can be hysterical.
You're right; you don't want to go THERE with someone else's kid, especially in a school situation.
TSHS - I know my boundaries and I don't talk sex ed with my kids. This little guy is autistic, which complicates matters. This group of kids is the group that keeps me in stitches because they say the funniest things. :-)
HAHAHA! Babies come from NJ...I love it !!
( I dont think my kid even knows where NJ is...)
( come stop by- I love your NJ thing soooo much, I gave you props! )
MY babies came from New Jersey.. but now we live in PA.
Too cute... must pass this along to other friends! Thanks for the laugh!
D - I'll come by and visit your blog. Glad you got a laugh. :-)
Jules - Thank you for visiting! Everyone needs something funny to lighten the mood. :-)
Besides Springsteen and Bon Jovi, does anything good come from New Jersey?
GWB - I'm not sure. If there are good things that come from there, I don't know about them. :-P I'll agree with you on Springsteen... but Bon Jovi?
Littleboy having been told by his mother that a stork brings the babies asks," Who Bonks the stork Mom"?
BTW, Talk about out sourcing, my number 4 child was made in Hong Kong, but delivered to England by a four engine turbo prop plane.
Yes , hard to explain but true.
Vest - Naw, I just didn't want to go down that road. How to explain "bonk"? Ack! As far as "children", I had this talk with a woman I work with - about our pets being our children. I have a dog who, even though she lives with my mom, I still refer to as "my daughter".
No need to be sorry - I'm not sure what you're apologizing for. :-P
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